




University of St Gallen

Mariana is an assistant professor with a tenure track at the University of Saint Gallen, Switzerland, and an associate director of InternetLab. She holds a Ph.D., a master's degree and a bachelor's from the University of Sao Paulo Law School in the area of sociology of law. She did part of her Ph.D. as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley. She was also a DAAD fellow at LMU in Munich, a participant in the Linkage Program at Yale University, and a student at the WIPO Summer School. Mariana is dedicated to researching the relations between technology and society, regulating the digital economy, and fundamental rights in the online environment. She has experience in gender equality and violence, access to knowledge, culture and education, intellectual property, the impact of technologies on democracy and social mobilization, and data justice issues. She is also a researcher at CEBRAP's Law and Democracy Nucleus. Before joining and directing InternetLab, she was a researcher and professor at the Center for Technology and Society at Fundacao Getulio Vargas and a professor at Insper, where she taught undergraduate courses for business and economics students and conceived and coordinated the Certification in Law and Technology in Executive Education.

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