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Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Marcelo Mendoza is an Electronics Engineer and holds a Master's degree in Informatics from the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universidad de Chile and completed a Post Doc at Yahoo Research. He is currently a professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.Dr. Mendoza is a founder and former President of the Chilean Association of Pattern Recognition. He is a principal researcher at the National Center of Artificial Intelligence and an associate researcher at the Millennium Institute for Research on Data Foundations.His research interests include text mining, information retrieval, and data mining in social networks. He has published in major conferences as well as high-impact factor journals. Dr. Mendoza has served as the general chair of international conferences. His research articles have been cited over 7200 times with an H-index of 20 and an i10-index of 38, according to Google Scholar.Dr. Mendoza's research focuses on AI in social networks, with a strong emphasis on information veracity. He is currently working on methods of stance classification, bot detection, fake news detection, political leaning forecasting, and controversy detection in social media.

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