Sahel Centre for Information Media and Development Research SCIMDER
Isah Nasidi is a young political communication and information studies expert. Nasidi is an independent researcher, media consultant, website developer, and humanitarian. He is the Head of R&D at the Sahel Centre for Information, Media and Development Research and the Director of BASU Foundation. He was among 17 West African researchers selected for the Kari-Kari Research Fellowship by the Premium Time Centre for Investigative Journalism in 2021, from which he developed the SAMCAV Model to explain the information disorder ecosystem and discovered dilinformation as the fourth typology of information disorder. In 2022, he published three books; Political Communication in the Post-truth Era, Concept, Laws and Strategies, Political Expression Without Harm and a Hausa language version Siyasa Ba da Gaba Ba. The books aim to promote media and information literacy. Nasidi received his first and second degrees from Bayero University, Kano and PhD from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is the immediate past Secretary of the Communication History division of the International Communication Association (ICA), USA. He is also a member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). He loves research, teaching, humanitarian activities and watching documentaries and debates.