Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Professor Isaac Mhute is a holder of a Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in African Languages specialising in Linguistics. He is an academic who lectures general linguistics, applied linguistics, strategic communication, and research methods. He researched and written considerably and his publications include: _Mhute, I. (2023). A Language Policy Inspired Lesson for the Zimbabwean Post-COVID-19 Era. In E. Mavengano, T. Marevesa and E. Jakaza. (Eds). Zimbabwe in the post-COVID-19 Era: Reflections, Lessons, and the Future of Public Health. New York: Routledge. _Chingwena, L. and Mhute, I. (2023). The Effectiveness of Social Media in Mitigating Unfair Mainstream Media Electoral Coverage in Zimbabwe. In E. Mavengano & S. Chirongoma. Electoral Politics Vol. 2: The 2023 Election and Beyond. Berlin: Springer Nature _Mhute, I., Mangeya, H. & Jakaza, E. (2022). Endangering The Endangered: A Case of Fake COVID-19 Social Media News in Zimbabwe. Wilington, DE: Generis Publishers. _Mhute, I. (2023). Membering the Rhodesian Linguistic Agenda in Zimbabwe. London: Routledge._E. Jakaza, H. Mangeya and I. Mhute (Eds). (2023). The Palgrave Handbook of Language and Crisis Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa. Berlin: Palgrave Macmillan. _Mangeya, H., Mhute, I. & Jakaza, E. (Eds). (2022). Strategic Communications in Africa: The Sub-Saharan Context. London: Routledge