Rio de Janeiro State University / Institute for Social and Political Studies
Carlos R. S. Milani is Full Professor of International Relations at the Rio de Janeiro State University’s Institute for Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ). He concluded his Doctorate at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris in 1997. Coordinator of two research groups, the World Political Analysis Laboratory (LABMUNDO) and the Interdisciplinary Observatory of Climate Change (OIMC), Carlos Milani is a research fellow with the Brazil's National Science Council (CNPq) and the Rio de Janeiro Science Foundation (FAPERJ). He was a resident fellow with Sciences Po Paris, the University of California-Berkeley and the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study in South Africa. He is currently a member of the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN/Brown University). His research agenda includes the international politics of climate change; international development cooperation and South-South relations; foreign policy in comparative perspective (with emphasis on Brazil, South Africa, China, Mexico and Turkey); human rights and global justice. In addition to his scholarly activities, he is Senior Fellow at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), member of the Niterói Municipal Climate Change Forum, and member of the Science-Policy Board of Plataforma Cipó.